Credit Card Comparison

The Entrepreneurs Home for Payment Services

FeeFighters Offers Tools & Services that make accepting Credit Cards Cheaper & Simpler.


We've built the ultimate payment suite for entrepreneurs. 

Our tools allow you to attack the 2 things you're starved for: Time & Money.

Let us handle the hassle of payments. 

FeeFighters Services

Each tool is designed to exceed expectations & save as much money.

Take a quick look at our tools below:

Payment Fees Negotiation

Don't change payment processors. Big company pricing for small and medium enterprises.


Find the best gateways and save as much as 1.2% on business transactions. 


Find the best gateways and save as much as 1.2% on business transactions. 

Switch Processors

We guide you to successfully switch merchant services in order to maximize your profits.


Painless chargeback management means more to win than you think.


Painless chargeback management means more to win than you think.

PCI Compliance

83% of companies are not certifying PCI Compliance. We'll take care of that. 


Patrick M

Awesome Dad's Shirt

Before FeeFighters, we were getting crushed by fees. We found out we were paying a crippling 42% in fees.

We were losing money on each order, but all costs were in line except one, credit card fees.

The team at FeeFighters adjusted software and negotiated to get fees back in line. Within 2 months we had dropped to 7.9%. That's over $270k each year!

We’re lucky we found FeeFighters when we did.

Alan Klug


We bought 800 Got-Junk Pittsburg a few years ago and inherited the previous owners payment company. We focused on fixing all of our other issues. 

We sent a statement and had a 10 minute call.

 A few days later I got a call that we had saved over $24k which was perfect timing since that helped us pay for new trucks and a bookkeeper.

100% Guarantee

Here at FeeFighters we care about Entrepreneurs & supporting small business. We're so sure of our services that we offer a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy with the course content, or you don't feel it is for you,simply email us and we will work to make it right, or refund the entire cost.